Wednesday 20 June 2012

This Is Not a Test

My Maths exam is tomorrow. I am so bored of sitting around doing past papers all day long that I am actually glad to do it so that it will all be over! At the same time, I am a bit nervous: I want to do justice to the huge progress I have made in Maths during the past three years. I have a tendency to take exams too personally, I think... which is why I like listening to the song This Is Not A Test before exams - it is a great feel-good song that reminds me that I am not being judged as a person in an exam. More generally, it reminds me to stop stressing over getting to goals, and to take the present in more (it doesn't do to never be where you are physically...).

(I also appreciate the irony of the fact that yes, it IS a test that I am going to sit tomorrow - so listening to this song also leaves me with a smug little self-contented smile)

For those of you who tried but didn't make it
Settle down, it's never what you think
The summit doesn't differ from the deep dark valley
And the valley doesn't differ from the kitchen sink

For those of you who thought you'd be forgotten
The friends you've made will try their best to make it so
Think of all the beauty that you've left behind you
You can take it if you want it and then let it go

In the meantime, let's just listen to the song a few times and think of how free we will be once it's over. Besides, aren't She & Him an absolutely adorable duo? 

Their songs are all very simple, sweet and uplifting. Hipster fluff, I suppose; but I like them. Zooey Deschanel is, incidentally, one of my favourite pop figures: she's terribly pretty (those blue eyes!), has a great fashion style, and she both acts and sings! It helps that 500 Days of Summer is one of my favourite romantic comedies.

So, She & Him: a musical suggestion to help you feel chirpy and laid-back.

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